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Large Striped Bass get that way by being smart – and heading for a lobster pot. Captain Gary has a secret weapon to assist angler on such occasions. Our mermaid has been practicing with bluefin tuna – a more challenging retrieve, but she is working on it with some good results. When the harpoon fails, send in the mermaid! Call Tuna Hunter fishing charters Gloucester and offshore Cape Ann MA for details.

For those anglers that need specialized assistance, our mates are known to do just about anything to ensure that you land that big fish. Yes, it appears that Gary has some underwater connections.

  • Smart Striped Bass head for lobster pots…
  • Your line gets tangled, making it tough to retrieve…
  • Wait… is that a Mermaid?
  • … a Mermaid with a striped bass?
  • Keeper Striped Bass retrieved and delivered. Now that’s service!
Gloucester fishing charters
painted by Luisa F Cleaves

The Mermaid Slideshow