A popular Japanese comedy TV show by Nippon TV filmed an episode aboard Tuna Hunter Fishing Charters last weekend. With 5 Japanese and one translator, things got interesting when Tuna Hunter hooked a lively giant bluefin. By some miracle, enough directions were passed through the translator to direct the show’s three comedians to fight and land a 350 pound bluefin in a 2 hour battle.
We have video and more photos coming, but this photo shows the Tuna Hunter and Nippon TV “Tuna Team” just after tail wrapping their giant bluefin.
Congratulations to all of hte production teams and the commedians – the talent had never landed a fish before, let alone a giant bluefin. Many thanks to Teruko and Yumi for preparations and those much needed translations.
Tuna Hunter is fishing 7 days a week now through November. Give us a call for our latest oepenings – we look forward t ogetting you into some giant fish, too! 978-407-1351 or captain@tunahunter.com for more information. Good fishing!