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Enjoy your July 4th holiday week!    As of right now, July 4th is open  – call us for an inshore or offshore trip – red tuna or white striped bass for the grill, can’t beat it!

Call us at 978-407-1351 or email to reserve your spot.

Enjoy 4th of July week on Cape Ann – parade and fireworks in Gloucester, MA on the 3rd, parade and bonfire in Rockport on the 4th.  in between St Peter’s Fiesta and the 4th, Gloucester is a great time on and offshore.


Whippany Dudes 820lb Bluefin on Tuna Hunter Fishing Charters

Whippany Dudes Scored a Winning Giant!

Tuna Hunter Bluefin Tuna Shared Charter update:

As of July 1st, 2019  all shared charters are full – if you have a date in mind and want ot join a shared, or our shared charter list for when a shared charter does open up, just email or call us at 978-546-0064.